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Price > Rp 8.000

Diposting oleh Treasure Souvenir & Wedding Invitation

Aroma Therapy
Pesanan diatas 300 Rp 7.750
100 - 300 pcs Rp 8.200
Kurang dari 100 pcs Rp 8.500

Tempat Perhiasan Mutiara
Pesanan diatas 300 Rp 8.000
100 - 300 pcs Rp 8.550
Kurang dari 100 pcs Rp 9.000

Tempat Perhiasan Love
Pesanan diatas 300 Rp 8.250
100 - 300 pcs Rp 8.750
Kurang dari 100 pcs Rp 9.000

Toples Bear
Pesanan diatas 300 Rp 10.000
100 - 300 pcs Rp 10.750
Kurang dari 100 pcs Rp 11.250

Toples Bear Wedding
Pesanan diatas 300 Rp 10.500
100 - 300 pcs Rp 10.900
Kurang dari 100 pcs Rp 11.500

Asbak bibir
Pesanan diatas 300 Rp 7.500
100 - 300 pcs Rp 7.850
Kurang dari 100 pcs Rp 8.350

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Diposting oleh Treasure Souvenir & Wedding Invitation

Holistic Way To Beauty and Health!

LumiGlow® cream, which is specially formulated in Germany, helps
to rejuvenate, tone and firm your skin, improves energy and
immune system, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmotic benefits and helps with hormonal imbalance.

What Are Hormones?

Hormones are endocrine secretions that balance and regulate the various systems in our body. These secretions are responsible for a series of functions involving the creation of life, rowth, reproduction, aging, emotions and behaviour. As the source of our life force and vitality, it is very important that
our hormones are in a constant state of balance. Otherwise we put ourselves at risk of various health problems and ailments. This will in turn affect the well being of our body, mind and spirit.

Hormone Imbalance
In our modern society today, we are exposed to pollution, chemicals, stress, improper diet, premature aging and other negative factors. These factors give rise to an imbalance of hormones in our bodies.

In short, female problems associated with hormone imbalance are as follows:
Puberty(age 20) :
1.Pimples, flat-chested, menstruation cramps, etc.
Pregnancy(age 30) :
1. Infertility, insomnia, lethargy, skin becomes less firm, wrinkles, etc
Middle age(age 40) :
1. Sagging breasts, osteoporosis, cold feet and hands, pigmentation, arthritis, etc.
Menopause(age 50 and above) :
1. Gout, hair loss, night sweats, moodiness, hot flashes, wrinkles, etc.

Male health problems associated with hormonal imbalance:
Age 50 and below :
Easily tired, cold feet and hands, lack of energy, constipation, lack of appetite, weight loss, muscle pain, cramps, etc.
Mentally :
Lack of concentration, moodiness, become very sensitive, insomnia, depression, etc.

LumiGlow® Cream is produced from
a special formulation which is recognized as the best self-hormone remedy - the new star in biological medicine Dioscorea Villosa (Wild Yam). This special
yam contains more than fifty hormone precursors. They usually grow independently in unpolluted barren lands without any insecticides and manure, thus automatically producing self-healing elements which can help stimulate human self-recovery and organ reactivation to make people feel younger, stronger, and energized.The special ingredients of Dioscorea Villosa activate hormones to self-balance and stabilize and to produce a constant supply of what the body needs, thereby achieving good health and holistic well being. The active ingredient Diosgenin is known to have anti-inflammatory property.

Dioscorea Villosa
(Wild Yam)
Wild yam cream has been widely used for hormonal imbalance, improving energy, rigor, stamina and endurance. Women commonly experience relief in premenstrual and menopausal symptoms.

Aloe Vera
An effective moisturizing agent in skin care products. It tightens, stimulates and rejuvenates skin for a healthy glow.

Soy Extract
It has the ingredients that are very similar to female hormones. Traditionally, soy product is the main consumption of people in China and Japan, where the incidences of hormone related cancer are low.

Grape Seed Extract
Grape seeds extract is well known for its antioxidant properties. Anti-oxidants helps to prevent skin damage from free radicals. It is 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C.

Vitamin E
It will help the skin to fight the damage caused by free radicals.

Indonesia Version

LumiGlow, cara holistik untuk kecantikan dan kesehatan. Krim LumiGlow, yang dirumuskan di Jerman, membnatu merevitalisasi sel-sel kulit, mengencangkan otot wajah serta menambah energi dan meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Produk ini juga mempunyai manfaat sebagai anti radang dan anti spasmodic serta menyeimbangkan hormon.
  • Membantu proses awet muda dan menjaga keseimbangan hormon
  • Mengencangkan dan mencerahkan kulit serta membantu menghilangkan lemak/menurutkan berat badan

  • NANO TECHNOLOGY membuat penyerapan 95%
  • Dengan Barbasco Vilossa mengaktifkan dan menstabilkan keseimbangan hormon
  • Mencegah radikal bebas merusak sel tubuh
  • Mencegah obesitas
  • Mencegah bintik2 akibat penuaan
  • Menghilangkan jerawat
  • Mencegah peradangan kulit akibat luka
  • Memperlambat pengenduran kulit
  • Mencegah penyakit kanker
  • Kulit lebih halus dan berseri

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Price Rp 4.000 - Rp 8.000

Diposting oleh Treasure Souvenir & Wedding Invitation

Toples Polos
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 5.750
100 - 300 pcs Rp 6.250
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 6.700

Tempat kartu Nama/Tissue Minang
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 6.000
100 - 300 pcs Rp 6.500
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 7.250

Tempat Pensil/Pulpen Gendang
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 5.500
100 - 300 pcs Rp 6.000
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 6.500

Cermin Lipat Kipas Cina
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 4.000
100 - 300 pcs Rp 4.250
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 4.500

Dompet Behel Kotak
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 7.250
100 - 300 pcs Rp 7.500
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 7.750

Dompet Behel Oval
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 7.250
100 - 300 pcs Rp 7.500
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 7.750

Place Mate (Alas Piring)
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 5.250
100 - 300 pcs Rp 5.500
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 5.750

Mug/Cangkir Sapi
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 7.800
100 - 300 pcs Rp 8.100
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 8.250

Mini Glass Couple
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 5.250
100 - 300 pcs Rp 5.500
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 5.800

Cangkir Biru
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 4.750
100 - 300 pcs Rp 5.200
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 5.500

Gelas Wine Gendut
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 6.250
100 - 300 pcs Rp 6.650
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 7.000

Gelas Wine Gendut
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 6.250
100 - 300 pcs Rp 6.650
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 7.000

Gelas Wine Panjang
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 6.750
100 - 300 pcs Rp 7.000
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 7.250

Gelas Pipa Pendek
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 6.000
100 - 300 pcs Rp 6.300
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 6.650

Gelas Pipa Panjang
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 6.250
100 - 300 pcs Rp 6.750
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 7.250

Gelas Cocktail
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 6.250
100 - 300 pcs Rp 6.750
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 7.250

Gelas Campina
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 6.750
100 - 300 pcs Rp 7.200
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 7.550

Toples Tutup Biru
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 5.200
100 - 300 pcs Rp 5.700
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 6.100

Toples Tile
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 6.400
100 - 300 pcs Rp 6.750
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 7.000

Tusuk Gigi Kembang Tutup
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 4.400
100 - 300 pcs Rp 4.900
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 5.150

Tusuk Gigi Kembang Tutup
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 4.400
100 - 300 pcs Rp 4.900
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 5.150

Tusuk Gigi Bambu Hijau
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 4.650
100 - 300 pcs Rp 5.150
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 5.500

Tusuk Gigi Koki
Pesanan Diatas 300 pcs Rp 5.000
100 - 300 pcs Rp 5.350
Kurang Dari 100 pcs Rp 5.650

Jangan ragu untuk berkonsultasi dengan kami untuk setiap penambahan/perubahan model dan penambahan aksesories.

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Price Rp 1.000 ~ Rp 4.000

Diposting oleh Treasure Souvenir & Wedding Invitation

Mini Glass Mika
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 4.000
100 - 300 pcs Rp 4.250
Kurang dari 100 Rp 4.500

Tempat Lipstick
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 3.350
100 - 300 pcs Rp 3.700
Kurang dari 100 Rp 4.150

Mangkok Polos Tile
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 3.350
100 - 300 pcs Rp 3.900
Kurang dari 100 Rp 4.250

Asbak Keramik Tempat Lilin
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 2.550
100 - 300 pcs Rp 2.850
Kurang dari 100 Rp 3.150

Mangkok Bola Tile
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 3.650
100 - 300 pcs Rp 3.900
Kurang dari 100 Rp 4.250

Tempat Lilin Gelas Biru
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 2.550
100 - 300 pcs Rp 2.850
Kurang dari 100 Rp 3.150

Frame Kecil
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 1.650
100 - 300 pcs Rp 1.900
Kurang dari 100 Rp 2.200
Packing Mika + Rp 750

Frame Large
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 2.850
100 - 300 pcs Rp 3.100
Kurang dari 100 Rp 3.450
Packing Mika + Rp 750

Tempat Perhiasan(Cepuk) Kecil
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 2.000
100 - 300 pcs Rp 2.250
Kurang dari 100 Rp 2.500
Packing Mika + Rp 750

Tusuk Gigi Kupu2
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 3.650
100 - 300 pcs Rp 4.000
Kurang dari 100 Rp 4.300

Sendok Garpu Tikar
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 1.850
100 - 300 pcs Rp 2.100
Kurang dari 100 Rp 2.350

Kalender Abadi Tikar
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 1.650
100 - 300 pcs Rp 1.900
Kurang dari 100 Rp 2.250

Tempat Pensil Tikar
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 1.850
100 - 300 pcs Rp 2.100
Kurang dari 100 Rp 2.350

Tempat Tissue Tikar
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 1.650
100 - 300 pcs Rp 1.900
Kurang dari 100 Rp 2.250

Bukaan Botol Melamin Lucu
Pesanan diatas 300 pcs Rp 2.350
100 - 300 pcs Rp 2.500
Kurang dari 100 Rp 2.650

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Towel Cake

Diposting oleh Treasure Souvenir & Wedding Invitation

Slice Cake Towel Cake
Pesanan Diatas 300 Rp 5.500
100 - 300 Rp 5.750
Kurang Dari 100 Rp 6.000

Roll Tart Towel Cake
Pesanan Diatas 300 Rp 5.500
100 - 300 Rp 5.750
Kurang Dari 100 Rp 6.000

Lapis Cake Towel Cake
Pesanan Diatas 300 Rp 4.000
100 - 300 Rp 4.250
Kurang Dari 100 Rp 4.500

Ice Cream Towel Cake (Packing Plastik)
Pesanan Diatas 300 Rp 4.000
100 - 300 Rp 4.250
Kurang dari 100 Rp 4.500
Packing Mika + Rp 1.000

Lovely Cake Towel Cake
Pesanan Diatas 300 Rp 4.000
100 - 300 Rp 4.250
Kurang Dari 100 Rp 4.500

Lolyypop Towel Cake
Pesanan Diatas 300 Rp 4.000
100 - 300 Rp 4.250
Kurang dari 100 Rp 4.500

Burger Towel Cake
Pesanan Diatas 300 Rp 4.000
100 - 300 Rp 4.250
Kurang dr 100 Rp 4.500

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